An Old Resolution

An online version of my book of books

Book Expo America (to get the full effect you have to hear me say it)!!!!!!!!

on June 1, 2014

I’ll do the best I can to recap the three days at BEA. Day one, my goal was to find my way around, get some autographs and swag. I accomplished my goal. I happened upon a Tom Angleberger signing for his new series. He was cool and listened to my librarian gushing without complaint. I picked up lots of ARCs and bags, and posters, and other stuff. I went to the Young Adult Editor’s Buzz Panel and almost got trampled. I listened to the editors talk about the books they loved and supported. After the panel they were giving away ARCs of the books discussed. I walked to the table and walked around the back to pick up the books and was stuck. There were crazy book lovers pushing in from both sides and I couldn’t move. I could have lifted my feet and still been standing. I used my Hulk powers to hold people back so that women along the wall could start to slide out, I then followed. I didn’t get all the books, but I got out with my life. I call that success.
I stood in line for Billy Idol, but all he did was stand there. The book samples had been pre-signed and he wouldn’t pose or talk to anyone. Not cool, but I still got a good picture and his autograph. The place was chaotic and filled with people carrying heavy bags, filled with their finds of the day.
Day two:
I met Chelsea Cain!!!! She was the only author I got in line for, when the line began. She was worth every second. She stumbled in on her crutches, passing all her adoring fans. They set her up on a long bench so she could keep her leg elevated and iced (ouch!, but what a trooper to come anyway). The line moved very slow, and I found out why when I got closer. She was having actual conversations with every person in line and not just Hi, how are today? I was able to talk about being a children’s librarian and how much I loved her books and made sure the library purchased them. She brought scrabble tiles that she had made into pins with her to give out. I proudly chose one and will treasure it forever. I now am looking forward to reading her new book, One Kick, the first in a new series.
I went to the Unshelved presentation, they are the guys that gave me my tickets. They were trying out a new presentation entitled: Too Much Information. They gave a brief and funny history of libraries and information and how things are today. Their message was that libraries need to be libraries, and screw anyone who feels different. I did thank them for my tickets. I saw the eleventh generation Lassie and had some more books signed.

Day three:

This was also Bookcon, a convention for book lovers open to the public. They were no prepared for the crowds that came. I stayed mostly on the BEA side in morning, the other side was way too crowded. The one panel I wanted to go to was Stan Lee. His even started at 11:30, but James Patterson was speaking in the room before him. I thought, why not and got in line for Patterson. I was 6th in line when they declared the room full. They then turned the line into the Stan Lee line. The people ahead of me left the line, and tada! I was first in line for Stan Lee. I was in the third row center. Stan Lee, now 91, entered and they did a short photo shoot. He sat down and was interviewed by a reporter from USA Today. He answered well thought out questions for thirty minutes and then they opened up the floor for audience questions. Stan Lee has lost most of his hearing and his eyesight is so poor he can no longer read, but everything else worked. His wit and memory had the entire audience laughing and clapping throughout. We learned that his favorite actor portrayal of a character is Robert Downey, Jr and his favorite villain is Doctor Doom. What an experience, I’ll never forget it. We all left with a sample of his new book, all signed.

Overall, I had a great time and met some amazing people. Stories were told and created over this three-day event. Will I go back? Yes, I will try my hardest.

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